In A Pause


only 3 left

why we love this

A beautiful tape release that feels very spacious and cinematic. The sound grows and evolves in curious ways, inciting a deep sense of wonder and gratification for the small details all around us.

about the cassette

AV Moves is the project of LA’s multi-instrumentalist and experimental composer John Jones, previously known as Nerftoss (see Spirit Advantage LR034 2014).

"I became more intrigued by the idea of the visual context redetermining how a sound is perceived. It was a bit of an obvious observation, but one that I hadn’t fully explored in the process of writing music. I began creating sounds with the intention of aiding a moment, interacting with light, and enhancing the sensory experience. Gradually the sounds I created became defined by these ideas. Through melody, I found ways of deepening these imaginary scenarios. Melody has a way of extracting an emotion that each individual responds to differently. My intention with the melodic elements on what became “In A Pause” was for it to feel deeply personal but in a way that was relatable.

“In A Pause”, as a title, plays against the underlying motives of the album but is especially in reference to where I was in life when choosing it. Most of what was written happened to be during a transitional phase of my life, the months leading up to moving from Baltimore to Los Angeles. In many ways, I felt I had hit a giant imaginary pause button to prepare for the transition. Unintentionally, the title has taken on a much larger meaning as 2020 has produced various tragedies and injustices. Time and uncertainty have slowly redefined my previous perception of the music."

- John Calvin Jones

  1. 1 - Login 3:33
  2. 2 - I Don't Mind Waiting 3:35
  3. 3 - Flow (Reprise) 2:37
  4. 4 - Sorry Too Much 4:57
  5. 5 - Roll Over 3:03
  6. 6 - Cuddl3 6:22
  7. 7 - Bun 2:24
  8. 8 - Flwr Pwr 2:55
  9. 9 - Rin1010 5:21
  10. 10 - I Don't Mind Waiting (Ahnnu Remix) 4:54


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In A Pause


only 3 left

  1. 1 - Login 3:33
  2. 2 - I Don't Mind Waiting 3:35
  3. 3 - Flow (Reprise) 2:37
  4. 4 - Sorry Too Much 4:57
  5. 5 - Roll Over 3:03
  6. 6 - Cuddl3 6:22
  7. 7 - Bun 2:24
  8. 8 - Flwr Pwr 2:55
  9. 9 - Rin1010 5:21
  10. 10 - I Don't Mind Waiting (Ahnnu Remix) 4:54


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why we love this

A beautiful tape release that feels very spacious and cinematic. The sound grows and evolves in curious ways, inciting a deep sense of wonder and gratification for the small details all around us.

about the cassette

AV Moves is the project of LA’s multi-instrumentalist and experimental composer John Jones, previously known as Nerftoss (see Spirit Advantage LR034 2014).

"I became more intrigued by the idea of the visual context redetermining how a sound is perceived. It was a bit of an obvious observation, but one that I hadn’t fully explored in the process of writing music. I began creating sounds with the intention of aiding a moment, interacting with light, and enhancing the sensory experience. Gradually the sounds I created became defined by these ideas. Through melody, I found ways of deepening these imaginary scenarios. Melody has a way of extracting an emotion that each individual responds to differently. My intention with the melodic elements on what became “In A Pause” was for it to feel deeply personal but in a way that was relatable.

“In A Pause”, as a title, plays against the underlying motives of the album but is especially in reference to where I was in life when choosing it. Most of what was written happened to be during a transitional phase of my life, the months leading up to moving from Baltimore to Los Angeles. In many ways, I felt I had hit a giant imaginary pause button to prepare for the transition. Unintentionally, the title has taken on a much larger meaning as 2020 has produced various tragedies and injustices. Time and uncertainty have slowly redefined my previous perception of the music."

- John Calvin Jones

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