The Land Dictates the Lay of the Stone


only 2 left

why we love this

A murder mystery scored by an orchestra of poltergeists on their day off. O. G. Jigg orchestrates delightfully cinematic sequences rich with tension and intrigue.

  1. 1 - A1 - Part I 5:37
  2. 2 - A2 - Part II 3:45
  3. 3 - A3 - Part III 4:57
  4. 4 - A4 - Part IV 2:44
  5. 5 - B1 - Part V 5:42
  6. 6 - B2 - Part VI 3:14
  7. 7 - B3 - Part VII 2:58


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The Land Dictates the Lay of the Stone


only 2 left

  1. 1 - A1 - Part I 5:37
  2. 2 - A2 - Part II 3:45
  3. 3 - A3 - Part III 4:57
  4. 4 - A4 - Part IV 2:44
  5. 5 - B1 - Part V 5:42
  6. 6 - B2 - Part VI 3:14
  7. 7 - B3 - Part VII 2:58


Copy and paste this code to your site to embed.

why we love this

A murder mystery scored by an orchestra of poltergeists on their day off. O. G. Jigg orchestrates delightfully cinematic sequences rich with tension and intrigue.

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