Sucede Que Los Oídos No Tienen Párpados


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why we love this

The title loosely translates to 'it happens that the ears do not have eyelids.' This seems to perfectly describe the sentiment you should feel when enjoying this cassette. Don't overthink it, just enjoy the sound for what it is.

about the cassette

This album is saying "yes" to the inevitable use of technical objects while at the same time saying "no" to them to the extent that we reject that they require us so exclusively.

  1. 1 - &&&·((( 2:14
  2. 2 - Nueva Empatía, Serenidad~ 2:31
  3. 3 - Voluta /o la más tenue sensación 4:02
  4. 4 - Haces { Despliegues 4:13


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Sucede Que Los Oídos No Tienen Párpados


in stock

  1. 1 - &&&·((( 2:14
  2. 2 - Nueva Empatía, Serenidad~ 2:31
  3. 3 - Voluta /o la más tenue sensación 4:02
  4. 4 - Haces { Despliegues 4:13


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why we love this

The title loosely translates to 'it happens that the ears do not have eyelids.' This seems to perfectly describe the sentiment you should feel when enjoying this cassette. Don't overthink it, just enjoy the sound for what it is.

about the cassette

This album is saying "yes" to the inevitable use of technical objects while at the same time saying "no" to them to the extent that we reject that they require us so exclusively.

fits in the mood

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