Book Of Life


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about the record

“I think the vibraphone is capable of more interesting and beautiful sounds that haven’t been heard before. It’s quite a new instrument but it’s often played in a similar way. I feel that there is a lot more to explore with this exciting instrument.” - Masayoshi Fujita

Book of Life sees Masayoshi expand on his compositional skills, bringing in more orchestral elements such as strings, flute and even a choir to interact with the vibraphone. And not just any choir — members of this chorus include musical friends Peter Broderick, Hatis Noit, David Allred and Shards. The instruments come to represent characters in Masayoshi’s stories, hinted at in each accompanying text contained in the album booklet, which Masayoshi recites at his live performances. They set the scene for each piece, for example “the choir in Misty Avalanche is meant to resemble the blizzard, while the vibraphone is the bird hovering above,” he explains.

  1. 1 - Snowy Night Tale 5:34
  2. 2 - Fog 4:25
  3. 3 - It's Magical 4:24
  4. 4 - Old Automation 5:54
  5. 5 - Book of Life 4:35
  6. 6 - Harp 6:26
  7. 7 - Mountain Deer 4:32
  8. 8 - Sadness 4:42
  9. 9 - Misty Avalanche 4:03
  10. 10 - Cloud of Light 5:09


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Book Of Life


only 1 left

  1. 1 - Snowy Night Tale 5:34
  2. 2 - Fog 4:25
  3. 3 - It's Magical 4:24
  4. 4 - Old Automation 5:54
  5. 5 - Book of Life 4:35
  6. 6 - Harp 6:26
  7. 7 - Mountain Deer 4:32
  8. 8 - Sadness 4:42
  9. 9 - Misty Avalanche 4:03
  10. 10 - Cloud of Light 5:09


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about the record

“I think the vibraphone is capable of more interesting and beautiful sounds that haven’t been heard before. It’s quite a new instrument but it’s often played in a similar way. I feel that there is a lot more to explore with this exciting instrument.” - Masayoshi Fujita

Book of Life sees Masayoshi expand on his compositional skills, bringing in more orchestral elements such as strings, flute and even a choir to interact with the vibraphone. And not just any choir — members of this chorus include musical friends Peter Broderick, Hatis Noit, David Allred and Shards. The instruments come to represent characters in Masayoshi’s stories, hinted at in each accompanying text contained in the album booklet, which Masayoshi recites at his live performances. They set the scene for each piece, for example “the choir in Misty Avalanche is meant to resemble the blizzard, while the vibraphone is the bird hovering above,” he explains.

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